Saturday, 31 December 2011

My Favourites from 2011

2011 has certainly produced some cracking films (and also some awful ones!) but I will note down my top 5 they are not necessarily the best but they are my favourites and deserve a watch:::::

5----> Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2
Having been a long time fan of Harry Potter, it was sad to witness the end of what have been not necessarily the best movies but entertaining for fans of the book. I felt the final part created a fitting ending, with a good mix of action and narrative, and although the ending was somewhat cheesy, it did get a great deal of laughs!. One niggle was that they did not really focus on those who had died, losing some of the emotion which is clearly present in the book. Now its all over I feel a bit sad, as there will be no more Harry Potter, to get excited about, so we will just have to settle for the DVD's. Also if you are one of the minority who has not read the books, I highly urge you to do so.

4----> Source code
This film came out earlier in the year, and was the second outing from Duncan Jones. His first film Moon was stunning and was certainly one of my favourites of 2009. Source code was also an engaging watch, a clever film, which many have compared to Inception, a comparison which overshadows it I believe. I was gripped throughout the film with the interesting concept and never guessed who the terrorist actually was. **SPOILER** You may disagree, but I felt that the film could have done without the happy conventional ending, and could have ended on more of a grim note, which would I would have found a bit more realistic. But it still makes the top 5 as it was a well-directed and clever picture.

3----> Hugo
Recently reviewed Hugo, manages to get into my top 5. This is mainly due to Scorsese's ability to create a child's U certificate film which manages to engage both children and adults alike. It is also visually stunning and introduces a new audience to the earliest form of cinema.

2----> Tinker, Tailor, Solider, Spy
The 1970's looked very grim, and everything in the film emphasised the grey tension and fear that surrounded the time period, and between the characters themselves. It was a film you had to concentrate on, which I personally like. I admit, I was lost at various points but when we get the big reveal at the end it all seems to be clear. Some have commented on it being boring, but I found it a thoughtful adaptation, well worth the recognition that many have given it, and Gary Oldman, well deserves an award for his portrayal of Smiley.

1----> Drive
I didn't think I would enjoy Drive, I envisaged it being something comparable to the Fast and Furious franchise, but it was so much better. Ryan Gosling portrays the central role extremely well, and although there is violence, which at some times was shocking, in the film I believe it works well in the context. Also the soundtrack was just amazing and every musical interlude was well placed fitting the scenes extremely well. It isn't for the faint hearted, but would highly recommenced as you like me will probably be surprised.

2012 definetly looks like an exciting year, especially with the release of the recent trailers...., so HAPPY NEW YEAR, dear readers!!!!

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