I think everyone has those favourite novels, books we feel we can read over and over again. One of these for me includes Harper Lees' 1960 Pulitzer Prize winning novel To Kill a Mocking Bird. The book for some may just seem to be about a child's journey through life, but the innocence of Scout highlights the hypocrisy within society and questions the inherent racism present at the time, as her simple morals of right and wrong undermine the racist views of many of the adults. There is then the character of Atticus, deep thinking and the ultimate source of morality and who wouldn't want a dad like him, all knowing and wise!
The film adaptation of the book is highly complementary. This is partly down to Gregory Pecks' portrayal of Atticus Fitch for which he won a well deserved Oscar. But the film manages to perfectly capture the tone of the book and like the original source material has been well like by critics and the public alike.
The book is not only an enjoyable read, but is a powerful portrayal of American southern life acting not only as a piece of fine literature, but as a vehicle for social change.