Wednesday, 21 December 2011

The Hobbit--> An Unexpected Journey

I know have done quite a few posts about films lately, but there is too much exciting news at the moment, especially the latest trailer to be released; The Hobbit; An unexpected Journey!!!
Although with a realise date of around a year away, director Peter Jackson for the past few months has been teasing us with pictures, videos etc and now ultimate treat: the trailer for next years epic. Jackson opens with the recognisable theme drawing us back into the Tolkien empire and the scenes that play out wet our appetite. From the short snippet, Martin Freeman, appears to play a very convincing and also very cute Bilbo Baggins, and we get a brief introduction to all the dwarfs some of whom I must say look slightly dodgy in there full costume, almost a caricature of there descriptions from the novel. But this is only a minor gripe, and I just hope that the film will live up to its predecessors as a stunning piece of cinema.

Check it out now, and be warned if your like me a massive fan of LOTR's you also will not be able to control your excitement!!!-->

I am now off to go and dress up as a hobbit which hopefully go someway as expressing my excitement!! FOR THE SHIRE, I will stop now.