Monday 2 January 2012


It seems only a year ago that 3D was being hailed as the new frontier of cinema,  advertised as offering viewers an increased immersion and overall better cinema experience.  But desaturation of colour, headaches, annoying glasses, and also increased prices have meant that the audiences are revolting against the studios and rejecting what is essentially a money making endeavour.
   Firstly the cost must be considered; a typical cinema ticket is around £8.00(varies per establishment), £2.00 for 3-D and the glasses at around £0.80,  a price which for many means a trip to the cinema will become an avoidable expense. Colour saturation is also a problem, and if you are familiar with film critic Mark Kermode you will be well aware of his rants about the "nonsense" that is 3D and importanly the the loss of foot candles of light. This is certainly something i have noticed when attending 3D screenings take Harry Potter and the deathly hallows part 2 and Fright Night both in 3D and both containing scenes in near darkness, in which many of the forms on the screen were hard to make out!! An additional issue is retrofitting, where films filmed in 2d are then transferred in 3d for the cinema release, meaning that the film was not meant to be in this format, but changed in order to apparently make the film more immerrsive?? More likey to create more money for the studios, but to be honest this is unnecessary as the main thing that makes a film immersive is a strong storyline well directed, and interpreted by good characters; and when you have seen the same film on both 3D and 2D personally i find it hard to distinguish, only maybe that the 3d gave me a slight headache.

It doesn't stop there i am now seeing adverts for all these 3d TVs, phones and cameras i find my self shouting at the TV its unnecessary, just STOP IT.

What are your views on 3D??

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