It is been long in anticipation, but it is finally here the trailer for Christopher Nolan's The Dark Knight Rises, the film to finish off what is set to a highly successfully trilogy. In his film's Nolan has managed to reinvent a concept in a clever way, making Batman not a gimmicky hero, but a character that the audience can truly believe in. His films are dark and brewding with a genuine sense of threat, which is played out with the amazing soundtrack by musical master Hans Zimmer.
This film certainly has a lot to live up to and from the trailer we can see what could potentially be an exciting film. It opens with haunting tones of a choir boy, leading on to a tragic speech by Alfred. Drama is created by the character of Bane, whose imposing form marches forcefully creating a genuine threat especially when we see the collapsing football stadium. We also get the introduction of the new characters, with Anne Hathaway's cat woman, Joseph Gordon Levitt's Police Officer and Marian Coutald's Wayne Employee and probably most exciting Thomas Hardy's Bane. The trailer has given an interesting insight into next years film and it will be good to see whether it manages to live up to the Dark Knight and create a fitting end to what has been a successful series, one which has shown that Blockbusters do not have to be stupid, but can, with the help of Nolan be clever and Thought Provoking.
What do you think?? Check out the new trailer below:::>
Dark Knight Rises Trailer