Sunday, 18 December 2011

Twilight Saga Breaking Dawn Part 1

Well its finally here the film that many young girls have long been pining over, personally i do not fall into this category, and was somewhat reluctant as i tentatively took my seat in the cinema, the main reason i went was a warm place to escape from the cold! The previous film I found rather boring and the character of Bella Swan incredibly trying as all she ever does is moan and mope, does that girl ever smile?

Breaking Dawn Part 1 started off rather well with Jacob bare chested in the rain, but sadly this was only short lived and it dropped into the moaning angst of their last few outings, and the film ultimately emitted a great stench of cheese. Some points even resulted in outward laughter, including a sequence of talking wolves, which was particularly bad. I must say I rather enjoyed the first film as there was an underlying sense of threat, but i felt this had vanished in this instalment and it just seemed incredibly silly. Yet it was still more enjoyable than having to read the book, which is more useful as a doorstop than a piece of literature.