Wednesday, 18 April 2012

Nick Gentry

 Just came across- Nick Gentry
A mix of art and technology, transforming the outdated floppy disk into a modern futuristic medium:

Next Generation

Residual Memory


Speed Of Life





Public Domain

Tuesday, 17 April 2012

Alexander Korzer-Robinson

Alexander Korzer-Robinson 
his work has an intricate beauty which is ultimately stunning, these are some of my favourites::

What Gods May Come

Thursday, 5 April 2012

Cecil Beaton Photo Exhibition

As it is the queens diamond jubilee this year, and i had about an hour to kill, i decided to nip to the Cecil Beaton exhibition at the V and A. It was a small and compact exhibition, but the space was well utilized with the use of curtains to create additional rooms/spaces.
The line of photographs gave an interesting documentation of the Queens life, from little child to the monarch we see today, and the crowd (mostly elderly) seemed thoroughly contented with the show.
They were all promotional shots created for the media, and although wanting to present themselves as just people, many of them elevated them to something greater, just through the use of a lens and a background, and it was interesting to see the strict rules given to the media about the publication of the images, and which ones they could use. They cataloged royal weddings, births but it was the intimate family shots which held the most merit as they showed a more relaxed air to the queen.
So if you have a spare hour or so pop down to the V and A for a brief insight into the life of the monarch, it will be perfect preparation for the Jubilee celebrations!!

 V and A exhibition link--->

Tuesday, 3 April 2012

The Muppets bitesize review

After whats seems like an eternity. I have finally got round to seeing the Muppets. and i must saw it turned an dull/grey April day into something much more joyful, and i left the cinema with a burning desire to burst into song.
Thankfully i managed to resist but have since been constantly humming "man or a muppet" which certainly gained me some strange looks.
The story although simple and rather predictable, is made enjoyable by the characters and Muppet sense of humour, and the large musical numbers are particularly memorable.
Speaking as someone who was not particularly familiar of the original Muppets, it has made me more intersted to see the old shows, and i hope i am not just the only one. So if you are feeling a bit sad, i highly recommend the Muppets, it is not a deep and stimulating drama, but it is full of joy, and will be sure to leave any audience member; old or young, with a smile on their face.

What is an Artist?

As I was devouring my sub in my favourite food outlet of choice, subway. And before you ask, the regular choice is 6 inch honey oat with tuna and extra sweetcorn!
I was somewhat confused by the idea of the title of the workers in the fore mentioned franchise. They are not simply, chefs, assistants, servers, no no they are classed as sub artists. At first i found this rather amusing how could someone who creates an item of fast food be considered an artist? But then it lead me to question what is an artist, and who can be termed as such?

We see our "work of art" created in front of us and we get to make the decisions in the process, which filling? cheese and toasted? which veg? and lastly which sauce? So in a sense is unique to us, or own mini masterpiece, as in theory no sandwich will be the same, our own edible masterpiece. With such customer participation in the process does this then make us the artist?
But maybe i am thinking to deeply?!
Next time you enter your local subway will you treat your food as an edible artwork? or is such a title a mere fad, an attention devise, aiming to make your sub seem unachievable to create by our mortal hands!! Although some might question the function of some art, such as Dadaism, its main aim is still as an artwork whereas a subway sandwich is not unique/shocking/meaningful. it is ultimately just a edible object, with one ultimate aim consumption.